Education and transferring Kopernikus knowledge

P2X is committed to capacity building. This means knowledge from today’s research will reach young aspiring scientists from tomorrow. Specifically, findings from P2X and its sister projects are to be made accessible to learners so that the most important insights can be widely recognized as a foundation in people's minds.

What you can see in the picture is several young people sitting in the grass with laptop and sheets, discussing something.
© Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.com

How long will it take until today‘s research becomes study material? Too long for the energy transition. The Kopernikus projects don't want to wait. Their declared aim is ultimately to push ahead with the energy transition. However, this is a highly complex task involving many different disciplines and stakeholders. Getting it right is a bit like asking strangers to completely rebuild a train whilst travelling at full speed and lay new tracks for it but without stopping. After all, the reliability of supply must be always guaranteed.

© www.peopleimages.com – stock.adobe.com

How does it affect the teaching materials? The train in question - the energy system - is in motion, but must change without coming to a standstill or derailing. This is why science and industry collaborate very closely at Kopernikus in order to keep the path from theory to practice short and at the same time to test how well the theory works in practice. Yet, the knowledge generated by research is initially only available to those who are involved. Rightly so, since the obtained results are new, volatile and need to be reviewed thoroughly. However, this is not enough for the Kopernikus projects, which is why capacity building plays a major role in the final project phase in the context of transfer. To ensure that in the near future, when the energy system gradually changes tracks, future specialists already know what they are dealing with, the Kopernikus project P2X is in charge of designing educational materials and programmes. Of course, knowledge from the sister projects is also incorporated in many places.

Get involved in the P2X Summer Lab!

After 2020, 2021 and 2022, the P2X Summer Lab is taking place for the fourth time this year. P2X partner WWF is once again taking the lead in organising the event. This intensive multi-day workshop offers an excellent opportunity to engage intensively with one of the key technologies of the energy transition: Power-to-X. Technical and scientific university students are invited to join researchers in exploring the latest developments in green hydrogen technologies and synthetic fuels. Not only will they gain knowledge from this experience, but also a network for future careers: a win-win situation.

Dates: Thursday, 22 May to Sunday, 25 May 2025
Location: Offenbach, Industriepark Höchst and other venues
Who is welcome to apply: Students of technical and scientific disciplines (e.g. chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering) as well as students of other disciplines with an interest in climate change and sustainable development (aged 18 and over)
Costs: Participation is free of charge!
Application: Until 30 March 2025 here


  • Thursday, 22 May 2025: Introduction to the scientific and social aspects of Power-to-X
  • Friday, 23 May 2025: Field trip to Industriepark Höchst and the Power-to-Liquid pioneer plant
  • Saturday, 24 May 2025: Workshop and tour on sustainability criteria and experiencing nature
  • Sunday, 25 May 2025: Discussion with experts from science, politics and business


Speakers and organisations: WWF Germany, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), DECHEMA e.V., H2Giga, and other experts from research, industry and NGOs

Target group: The event is aimed at students who are interested in the energy transition and sustainable technologies such as Power-to-X. Applications from students from the fields of natural sciences, engineering and related disciplines are particularly welcome.

Value for those taking part - even beyond the event:

  • Knowledge transfer: Direct access to the latest Power-to-X research
  • Networking: Exchange with experts and like-minded people from different sectors
  • Practical experience: Workshops and practical field trips to explore the application of the technologies
  • Improved career opportunities: Insight into a promising field of research in the energy transition


The event is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to deepen their expertise in the field of sustainable technologies and actively participate in the energy transition. See the call for applications here.

P2X lecture series prepares for round two

Meanwhile, the P2X lecture series has successfully completed its first round. P2X partner Provadis University is organising the digital programme, which is scheduled to be back in the winter semester of 2025/2026 - with up-to-date topics, of course. In the drawers below, you will find links to the recordings of the first P2X lecture series in the winter semester 2024/2025. If you have any further questions or concerns about the previous lecture series, please send an email to kommunikation-p2x@dechema.de.

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Kirstin Hebenbrock, Prof. Dr. Peter Manshausen/both Provadis

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube channel).

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Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Walter Leitner/MPI

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube channel).

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Lecturer: Dr. Lambertus G. J. (Bert) de Haart/Forschungszentrum Jülich/RWTH Aachen

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube channel).

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Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ralf Ehret/Provadis

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube channel).

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Lecturer: Dr. Eike Cramer/RWTH Aachen

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube Channel)

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Lecturer: Frank Graf/DVGW-Ebi, Dorothea Müschenborn/Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion; this session is a guest contribution of the Hydrogen Flagship Projects.

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube Channel).

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Lecturer: Dr. Franz Bauer/OTH Regensburg

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube Channel).

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Lecturers: Ulrike Hinz/WWF, Heino von Meyer/PtX Hub, Veronica Vukasovic/GIZ PtX Hub Chile, Uruguay

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube Channel).

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Lecturer: Dr. Peter Holtappels/KIT

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube Channel).

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Lecturers: Irina Rau, Jan Hildebrand/both IZES

Click here for the recording (Provadis YouTube Channel).

We kindly ask you to be patient concerning the announced PDF download. We are currently checking the legal situation.

Further P2X educational content that is already available

Kopernikus partner WWF Germany has developed a virtual reality experience that playfully explains Power-to-X technologies and their use in a fictitious future. Interested players can explore the interactive game using VR goggles, but can also view the content online. Find out more (in German) here.

Kopernikus partner WWF has developed self-learning content for the P2X project on the topic of "Hydrogen for the energy transition and climate protection - Power-to-X". It is available free of charge in the WWF Academy. Click here to go directly to the e-learning programme (in German). 

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