© Pcess609 - stock.adobe.com 

Ariadne: Imports and clear goals strengthen Germany ‘s industrial base

In order to maintain Germany's competitiveness, Ariadne researchers conclude in their new report that importing green primary products from other countries would be a good idea. For a transformation of German industry, they recommend the development of an overall strategy that is both embedded in Europe and coordinated across various policy areas. All details (in German) here.

© BillionPhotos.com – stock-adobe.com 

ENSURE study indicates need for reform of grid governance

A new ENSURE short study examines key challenges in German grid governance. The study shows how current regulations could disadvantage innovative grid solutions, which can lead to both inefficient investments and increased electricity grid costs. The study suggests reforms to promote more efficient utilisation of the grids. Read more (in German) here.

© Prostock-studio – stock.adobe.com 

Transfer of knowledge by click: P2X lecture series launched

The ten-part P2X lecture series has been successfully launched. It provides insights into the latest developments in the field of Power-to-X technologies. The series shares the latest knowledge on one of the key topics of the sustainable transformation of the energy system. The lecture series is to be held in English, find out more here.

© Rezmer/SynErgie 

SynErgie: YouTuber draws attention to energy flexibilisation

The energy transition is in full swing: this positive message emerges from the video made by the successful YouTube channel "Doktor Whatson" in cooperation with SynErgie. As a guest of SynErgie partner Zott, Cedric Engels investigates which technologies are making the energy transition possible. Only four weeks online, this video has already had almost 100,000 views and more than 750 comments. You can watch it here.

©Natee Meepian – stock.adobe.com 

Kopernikus compares energy transition scenarios

Each of the four Kopernikus projects has its own scenarios for the respective component of the energy transition. The approaches and assumptions in the models focus on different sectors and vary accordingly. Nevertheless, common directional points are emerging for Germany if it wants to achieve its climate targets for 2045. The new scenario comparison (in German) reveals what these are.

©Adrienne – stock.adobe.com 

With search function: All Kopernikus publications at a glance

Seek and you shall find: The biblical saying now also applies to the publications of the Kopernikus projects. They are gathered in a searchable overview table - even with keyword search. The advantage is obvious: it is no longer necessary to search through the publications on the individual project pages. The publications are "business cards" for the progress and results of the Kopernikus projects. Those interested can find them here.